Why Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Price Is Higher Than CO2 Lasers?

The price discrepancy between fiber laser cutting machines and CO2 lasers has become a topic of considerable interest in industrial circles. While both technologies offer unique advantages, the higher cost associated with fiber laser cutting machine price reflects several critical factors that distinguish them in terms of performance, efficiency, and operational capabilities. Understanding these factors is crucial for evaluating the investment value of fiber lasers in industrial applications.

Overview of CO2 and Fiber Lasers

When first introduced 50 years ago, CO2 lasers revolutionized manufacturing. Companies quickly adopted them due to their ability to cut various materials with precise edge quality. The technology behind CO2 lasers is based on a reliable concept: electricity passes through a tube filled with a mix of gases, producing light that is then reflected into an intense beam capable of cutting different materials. Over the years, these machines became widespread due to their proven effectiveness.

In contrast, fiber lasers are a more recent innovation, but their technology has advanced significantly in a short period. A fiber laser generates an intense beam using excited gas molecules. This beam has a shorter wavelength and higher absorption rate compared to CO2 lasers, offering several notable benefits discussed below. These advantages, both in productivity and cost-effectiveness, are continually improving as fiber laser technology rapidly evolves. Manufacturers are consistently developing more powerful and precise fiber lasers capable of cutting a wider range of metals and thicknesses.

Due to their distinct operating mechanisms, each type of laser—CO2 and fiber—comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

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Advantages of Fiber Lasers

Maintenance-Free Operation

Fiber lasers do not require beam path maintenance over their lifespan and can last as long as CO2 lasers. Modern fiber lasers can operate for hundreds of thousands of hours. In contrast, CO2 lasers need regular maintenance of lenses and other components, leading to additional costs and downtime.

Immediate Start-Up

Unlike CO2 lasers, fiber lasers can begin cutting immediately without any warm-up time. CO2 lasers typically need about 10 minutes to warm up after each start-up. Over time, this difference allows for significantly more cutting time with fiber lasers.

Energy Efficiency

Fiber lasers are highly energy-efficient, using less power compared to CO2 lasers despite producing powerful beams. This efficiency leads to significant savings over the lifespan of the machine. According to fabricating equipment manufacturer Krrass, fiber lasers are up to 5 times more electrically efficient than CO2 lasers. For instance, a single 10 kW fiber laser can use significantly less energy than two CO2 lasers (4.4 kW and 6 kW combined), saving approximately 212,940 kWh per year.

Faster Cutting Speeds

Fiber lasers cut much faster than CO2 lasers, especially on thinner materials (1/2 inch or less). Their beams are absorbed more efficiently with less reflection, resulting in cutting speeds up to 5 times faster than CO2 lasers. Krrass customers benefit from advanced laser gas assist technology, including affordable nitrogen generation systems and gas mixers, which enhance cutting speed and capacity.

Fiber lasers also offer better performance when cutting materials like copper, aluminum, and brass. These materials are cut more efficiently and safely with fiber lasers due to less reflection compared to CO2 lasers.

Compact Design

Fiber lasers are more powerful yet occupy a smaller footprint than CO2 lasers. Krrass customers often use the extra space for additional operations or to implement productivity-boosting and labor-saving laser automation, leading to increased productivity and more efficient workforce utilization.

Advantages of CO2 Lasers

Lower Initial Cost

CO2 lasers generally have a lower initial cost compared to fiber lasers. However, due to the lower operational and maintenance costs of fiber lasers, they typically offer a quicker return on investment.

Versatile Material Cutting

CO2 lasers can cut both metals and non-metals, whereas fiber lasers are limited to cutting metals. CO2 lasers can handle a wide range of materials, including wood, ceramics, and glass, enabling manufacturers to undertake a broader variety of projects.

Superior Edge Quality on Thick Materials

CO2 lasers have long been recognized for their superior edge quality, especially on thicker materials. Although fiber lasers are improving in this area, CO2 lasers still maintain a slight edge.

Quick Initial Cuts and Straight Line Speeds

CO2 lasers excel in making quick initial cuts and achieving high straight-line speeds. While fiber lasers can complete projects faster overall due to their superior cutting speeds, CO2 lasers still perform exceptionally well in these specific areas.

Main Differences Of The Two Laser Technology

Laser cutting has revolutionized industrial manufacturing by offering precise and efficient material processing capabilities. This technology utilizes focused laser beams to cut through various materials with high accuracy, making it indispensable across a wide range of industries. Two primary types of laser cutting technologies dominate the market: fiber lasers and CO2 lasers.

Fiber laser cutting machines utilize solid-state lasers, typically generated from fiber optics doped with rare-earth elements like ytterbium. These lasers produce a concentrated beam of light that is highly effective for cutting metals and reflective materials, offering superior speed and precision. They have become increasingly popular in industries such as automotive, aerospace, and electronics manufacturing due to their ability to handle complex geometries and thin materials with exceptional efficiency.


CO2 lasers, on the other hand, employ gas lasers using a mixture of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and helium to produce a beam suited for cutting non-metallic materials like wood, plastics, and fabrics. Known for their versatility and ability to deliver clean cuts on thicker materials, CO2 lasers find extensive application in signage, packaging, and architectural industries.

Both fiber and CO2 laser technologies have distinct advantages that cater to specific industrial needs, influencing their widespread adoption and continuous development in manufacturing processes worldwide.

Technological Distinctions

Fiber lasers and CO2 lasers differ significantly in their technological foundations, which directly impact their performance and suitability for various industrial applications.

Wavelength and Beam Quality:

  • Fiber Lasers: Utilize a wavelength typically in the range of 1,060 to 1,080 nanometers (nm). This wavelength is highly absorbed by metals, making fiber lasers exceptionally effective for cutting reflective materials such as aluminum, copper, and brass. Fiber lasers produce a high-quality beam with excellent focusability and beam quality, resulting in precise cuts even on intricate geometries.
  • CO2 Lasers: Operate at a wavelength of around 10,600 nm, which is well-suited for non-metallic materials like wood, plastics, and fabrics. CO2 lasers offer good beam quality but are less effective on reflective surfaces due to their longer wavelength. This can result in less precise cuts on metals compared to fiber lasers.

Cutting Precision:

  • Fiber Lasers: Due to their shorter wavelength and superior beam quality, fiber lasers provide higher cutting precision, especially on thin materials. They excel in producing intricate cuts and sharp edges, making them ideal for applications requiring fine detail and minimal material loss.
  • CO2 Lasers: While capable of delivering precise cuts, CO2 lasers may exhibit slightly lower accuracy on metals and thin materials compared to fiber lasers. Their longer wavelength can sometimes cause thermal effects that may require additional post-processing steps to achieve desired cutting quality.

Operational Efficiency

Fiber lasers generally offer superior operational efficiency and reduced maintenance requirements compared to CO2 lasers, contributing to lower overall operating costs.

Energy Efficiency:

  • Fiber Lasers: Are more energy-efficient than CO2 lasers, consuming less power to achieve the same cutting results. This efficiency is primarily due to the higher efficiency of solid-state laser technology employed in fiber lasers, resulting in reduced energy costs over the machine’s lifetime.
  • CO2 Lasers: While effective for their intended applications, CO2 lasers tend to consume more power per unit of output compared to fiber lasers. This can lead to higher operational costs, especially in environments where laser cutting is a continuous or high-volume process.

Maintenance Requirements:

  • Fiber Lasers: Require minimal maintenance due to the robustness of solid-state laser components. They have longer operational lifespans between maintenance intervals, reducing downtime and maintenance costs associated with servicing.
  • CO2 Lasers: Typically require more frequent maintenance, including gas replenishment and optical alignment, due to the complexity of gas laser systems. This can lead to higher maintenance expenses and potential downtime for adjustments and repairs.

In summary, while both fiber and CO2 lasers offer valuable cutting capabilities, their technological differences in wavelength, beam quality, and operational efficiency distinctly influence their performance characteristics and operational costs in industrial applications. Fiber lasers stand out for their precision on metals and efficiency advantages, whereas CO2 lasers excel in versatility across non-metallic materials despite potentially higher operational overheads.

Two Factors Influencing Price Differences

Understanding why fiber laser cutting machines generally command a higher price than CO2 lasers involves examining several key factors related to their components, manufacturing processes, and market dynamics.

1. Cost of Components and Manufacturing

Fiber lasers incorporate advanced solid-state technology, utilizing doped fiber optics and high-power diodes to generate laser beams. These components are typically more expensive to manufacture and assemble compared to the gas mixtures and optics used in CO2 lasers. Key cost drivers include:

  • Solid-State Laser Technology: Fiber lasers rely on solid-state laser sources, such as ytterbium-doped fibers, which require precise manufacturing processes and high-purity materials.
  • Optical Systems: Fiber lasers often integrate complex optical systems to enhance beam quality and focus, contributing to higher manufacturing costs.
  • Cooling and Power Systems: Efficient cooling systems and power delivery mechanisms are crucial for maintaining stability and performance in fiber lasers, adding to their overall production costs.
Solid state laser source
Solid state laser source

2. Market Demand and Supply Dynamics

The pricing strategies for fiber and CO2 laser cutting systems are influenced by market dynamics, economies of scale, and technological advancements:

  • Economies of Scale: As demand for fiber lasers increases and manufacturing scales up, unit costs can decrease due to economies of scale in production and distribution.
  • Technological Advancements: Ongoing advancements in fiber laser technology, such as improvements in beam quality, cutting speeds, and reliability, can justify higher pricing by offering enhanced performance and efficiency.
  • Industry Applications: Specific industrial applications drive demand for laser cutting technologies. Fiber lasers are particularly favored in industries requiring high precision and speed on metal materials, influencing their higher price points where their performance advantages are critical.
  • Competition and Innovation: Competitive pressures and innovation cycles within the laser cutting market also impact pricing. Companies investing in research and development to enhance fiber laser capabilities may set premium prices initially to recoup investments and maintain profitability.
  • Regulatory and Environmental Factors: Compliance with stringent environmental regulations and safety standards can also influence pricing, as technologies that offer cleaner operations or reduced energy consumption may command higher initial costs.

In conclusion, while the initial fiber laser cutting machine price may be higher compared to CO2 lasers, this cost reflects the advanced technology, precision capabilities, and efficiency advantages they offer in demanding industrial applications. Market dynamics, economies of scale, and ongoing technological developments continue to shape pricing strategies, influencing the affordability and adoption of laser cutting technologies across various sectors.

Application-Specific Considerations

Fiber lasers and CO2 lasers serve distinct purposes in industrial applications, each offering unique advantages that cater to specific industry needs.

Industrial Applications

Fiber lasers are particularly favored in industries where precision, speed, and versatility on metal materials are paramount:

  • Automotive Manufacturing: Fiber lasers excel in cutting automotive components such as chassis, body panels, and engine parts. Their ability to handle reflective metals like aluminum and titanium with high precision makes them indispensable in this sector.
  • Aerospace Industry: Fiber lasers are extensively used for cutting aerospace components, including turbine blades, aircraft structures, and fuel systems. Their capability to produce intricate cuts on lightweight metals and composites meets the stringent quality standards of the aerospace industry.
  • Electronics and Semiconductor Manufacturing: Fiber lasers are ideal for cutting thin metals and delicate materials used in electronics production, such as circuit boards, smartphone components, and microelectronic devices. Their precision and minimal heat-affected zones ensure high-quality cuts without compromising component integrity.

Long-term Cost Savings

Fiber lasers offer several long-term cost benefits that justify their higher initial investment:

  • Operational Efficiency: Fiber lasers are significantly more energy-efficient than CO2 lasers, requiring less power consumption per unit of output. This efficiency not only reduces energy costs but also minimizes environmental impact, aligning with sustainability goals.
  • Reduced Maintenance Requirements: Solid-state laser technology used in fiber lasers is inherently more reliable and requires less frequent maintenance compared to CO2 lasers. Reduced downtime for maintenance translates into higher uptime and productivity, contributing to overall cost savings over the machine’s lifespan.
  • Higher Throughput and Productivity: The superior cutting speed and precision of fiber lasers enhance production throughput, enabling manufacturers to meet demanding production schedules more efficiently. This increased productivity can lead to greater revenue generation and operational efficiencies.
  • Quality and Consistency: Fiber lasers deliver consistent cutting quality across various materials, reducing scrap rates and rework. This consistency improves manufacturing yield and product reliability, further contributing to cost savings and customer satisfaction.
Cost comparison of cutting a part
Cost comparison of cutting a part

In summary, while fiber lasers may initially require a higher investment than CO2 lasers, their application-specific advantages in industries requiring high precision on metals, coupled with long-term cost savings through improved efficiency and reduced maintenance, make them a preferred choice for many industrial manufacturers aiming to optimize production processes and achieve competitive advantages in their respective markets.

Reasons Why Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Price Is More Expensive

Fiber laser cutting machines, such as those manufactured by Krrass, come with advanced technology and high-quality components that result in a higher upfront cost. However, these machines offer several long-term benefits, including energy efficiency, faster cutting speeds, and reduced maintenance, which can justify the initial investment.

Advanced Technology

Fiber laser cutting machines incorporate cutting-edge technology that provides superior performance, precision, and efficiency. The development and integration of this advanced technology into the machines require significant research and development investments, contributing to their higher cost.

High-Quality Components

Fiber lasers are built with high-quality components that ensure durability and long-term reliability. These components, such as diodes, optical fibers, and specialized cooling systems, are more expensive to manufacture and procure, driving up the overall cost of the machine.

Precision and Accuracy

The precision and accuracy offered by fiber laser cutting machines are unparalleled. Achieving such high levels of performance necessitates sophisticated engineering and manufacturing processes, which are costlier compared to the simpler construction of CO2 lasers.

Accurate cutting of fiber lasers

Energy Efficiency

While fiber lasers are more energy-efficient in operation, the technology required to achieve this efficiency is more complex and expensive. The initial investment in energy-saving technology contributes to the higher price of fiber laser cutting machines. For example, a Krrass 10 kW fiber laser can save approximately 212,940 kWh per year compared to CO2 lasers.

Longer Lifespan

Fiber lasers are designed to last longer than CO2 lasers, often operating for hundreds of thousands of hours with minimal maintenance. The materials and construction methods used to ensure this longevity are more expensive, reflecting in the overall cost of the machine.

Faster Cutting Speeds

Fiber lasers can cut materials much faster than CO2 lasers, especially thin metals. This increased speed and productivity are due to the advanced laser generation and delivery systems, which are more costly to develop and implement.

Versatility in Material Cutting

Although fiber lasers are primarily used for cutting metals, they can handle a wide range of materials with high efficiency and safety. The capability to cut different metals like copper, aluminum, and brass with minimal reflection and high precision requires advanced technology, contributing to the higher cost.

Compact Design and Space Efficiency

Fiber lasers occupy a smaller footprint compared to CO2 lasers, allowing for better utilization of factory space. This compact design involves sophisticated engineering to pack powerful components into a smaller unit, adding to the overall expense.

Reduced Maintenance Costs

Despite their higher initial cost, fiber lasers have lower maintenance requirements compared to CO2 lasers. The advanced components and robust construction reduce the need for frequent repairs and replacements, justifying the higher upfront investment.

Advanced Cooling Systems

Fiber lasers require advanced cooling systems to maintain optimal operating temperatures. These systems are more sophisticated and costly than those used in CO2 lasers, contributing to the overall higher cost of fiber laser cutting machines.


Cost Comparison: Krrass Fiber Laser vs. CO2 Laser

FeatureKrrass Fiber LaserCO2 Laser
Initial CostHigherLower
Operational CostsLowerHigher
Energy EfficiencyUp to 5x greaterLower
LifespanHundreds of thousands of hoursLower
Cutting SpeedUp to 5x faster on thin metalsSlower
Material VersatilityMetalsMetals and non-metals
Edge Quality on Thick MaterialsSlightly lower than CO2Superior
Cooling SystemAdvancedStandard

Energy Savings Calculation

Machine TypePower (kW)Annual Energy Use (kWh)Annual Energy Savings (kWh)
Krrass Fiber Laser10212,940212,940
CO2 Laser 14.4193,248
CO2 Laser 26263,520

The table above illustrates the significant energy savings achieved by using a Krrass 10 kW fiber laser compared to two CO2 lasers with a combined power of 10.4 kW.

Fiber laser cutting machines price from Krrass are more expensive due to their advanced technology, high-quality components, precision, energy efficiency, and longer lifespan. Despite the higher initial cost, the long-term benefits, including reduced maintenance and operational costs, faster cutting speeds, and energy savings, make them a worthwhile investment for many manufacturers.

Krrass 3KW IPG laser fiber laser cutter
Krrass 3KW IPG laser fiber laser cutter


The higher price of fiber laser cutting machines compared to CO2 lasers can be attributed to several key factors that underscore their technological superiority and strategic value in industrial applications.

Advanced Technology and Superior Performance

Firstly, fiber lasers leverage advanced solid-state technology and precision optics. These advanced components inherently incur higher manufacturing costs due to their complexity and quality. Fiber lasers excel in cutting reflective metals with unmatched speed, precision, and minimal heat-affected zones. This makes them indispensable in industries such as automotive, aerospace, and electronics manufacturing, where stringent quality standards and high throughput are crucial.

Long-Term Cost Benefits

Secondly, the long-term cost benefits associated with fiber lasers further justify their initial investment. Fiber lasers offer superior energy efficiency, reduced maintenance requirements, and higher operational uptime compared to CO2 lasers. These factors translate into significant savings in energy consumption and maintenance costs, as well as improved productivity over the lifecycle of the equipment.

Future Trends and Industry Impact

Looking ahead, future trends in laser cutting technology are poised to continue shaping pricing dynamics in the industry. Advancements in fiber laser technology, including enhanced beam quality, faster cutting speeds, and integration with automation and AI technologies, are expected to drive further adoption. As demand grows and manufacturing scales increase, economies of scale could potentially lower the upfront costs of fiber lasers, making them more accessible to a broader range of industries.

Moreover, evolving regulatory standards emphasizing energy efficiency and environmental sustainability may incentivize manufacturers to invest in laser cutting systems that offer cleaner operations and reduced carbon footprints. These trends underscore a shift towards more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly manufacturing solutions, where fiber lasers are poised to play a pivotal role.

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Strategic Investment for the Future

In conclusion, while the initial investment in fiber laser cutting machines may be higher, their technological advancements, operational efficiencies, and application-specific advantages position them as a strategic investment for industries. Fiber lasers enable manufacturers to optimize production capabilities and maintain a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving global market. Contact Krrass sales team when face the vital choice.

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