How Thick Can a 2000W Fiber Laser Cut? Complete Guide

In the world of metal fabrication and cutting technologies, the power and precision of fiber laser machines have revolutionized the industry. Among these advanced tools, the 2000W fiber laser stands out for its versatility and efficiency, making it a popular choice for businesses aiming to enhance their cutting capabilities. This complete guide explores the cutting potential of a 2000W fiber laser, detailing the maximum material thicknesses it can handle across various metals. Understanding these capabilities is crucial for manufacturers and hobbyists alike, ensuring optimal performance and productivity in their cutting processes.

What Is A Fiber Laser Cutter

Fibre laser cutters are dedicated metal cutting machines that offer unparalleled speed, accuracy, energy efficiency and repeatability.

They are typically suited to cutting mild and stainless steels, as well as non-ferrous metals. Powered by Fibre optic laser sources of 500W+, these machines can be configured to cut incredibly thick metals.

Fibre laser cutters work in a similar way to CO2 cutters, however, the light is directed through a fiber optic cable to intensify the beam before being aligned to the material being cut.

The power source largely dictates its strength. This is what results in a more powerful fiber laser beam compared to a CO2 source.

What can a 2000w fiber laser cut Krrass
What can a 2000w fiber laser cut Krrass

Advantages of Fiber Laser Cutting for Metal

The high-precision, high-speed and quality of laser cutting has made it the technology of choice for advanced manufacturing across countless industries.

With IPG fiber lasers, laser cutting has become a reliable and highly cost effective solution, resulting in increased adoption throughout the metal manufacturing world.

Benefits of fiber laser cutting include:

  • Precise and repeatable high-quality cuts
  • High-speed cutting
  • Non-contact cutting – no degradation in cut quality
  • Minimal maintenance – high tool availability
  • Variety of lasers to cut non-metallic materials
  • Scalable process from micro cutting stents up to shaping structural steel
  • Easily automated for maximum productivity

Comparison of Different Cutting Methods

Here’s a comparative table summarizing the key differences between various cutting methods:

Cutting MethodAdvantagesDisadvantagesBest For
CO2 Laser Cutting– Provides smooth cutting edges for thicker materials (>25 mm)– Slower cutting of thinner materials compared to fiber lasers– Thick materials; non-reflective metals
Fiber Laser Cutting– High-quality cuts for thicker materials– Higher initial cost; may require specific maintenance– Thinner materials; reflective metals; overall high precision
Plasma Cutting– Low initial cost; effective for cutting various metals– Higher consumable costs; lower precision compared to lasers– General metal cutting; budget constraints
Waterjet Cutting– Effective for extremely thick materials (>25 mm)– Slower cutting; higher water usage and maintenance– Very thick materials; delicate materials
EDM Cutting– Excellent accuracy; minimal heat damage– Slower cutting speed; higher operational costs– High precision applications; detailed work

This table should help in comparing the different cutting methods and determining which is best suited for specific needs and materials.

Types Of Metals Fiber Laser Can Cut

Stainless Steel

Fiber laser cutters are ideal for cutting stainless steel due to their high precision and clean edges. Using nitrogen as an auxiliary gas prevents oxidation, enhancing the cut quality and reducing post-processing time. However, compressed air can also be used, potentially reducing operating costs very significantly.

This makes fiber lasers perfect for applications in the automotive, aerospace, and medical industries.

Carbon & Mild Steels

Fiber lasers excel in cutting carbon steel and mild steel. For thinner sheets, nitrogen is preferred to ensure a high-quality finish, while oxygen is used for thicker plates to facilitate an exothermic reaction that aids in cutting.

This versatility makes fiber lasers suitable for construction, machinery, and shipbuilding industries.

Aluminum & Various Alloys

Aluminum’s reflective nature can pose some challenges for laser cutting.

However, with careful selection of the fibre laser source which should include a back reflection absorption system, fiber lasers can efficiently cut aluminium. High cutting speeds and the use of assist gases like nitrogen and compressed air ensure smooth, burr-free edges, making this technology ideal for electronics and aerospace components.

Copper and Brass

Both copper and brass are highly reflective, but fiber lasers equipped with reflection absorbers can handle these materials effectively.

High-powered lasers create a stable cutting process, with nitrogen or oxygen being used for copper and nitrogen for brass. These materials are commonly used in electrical components and decorative items.


Known for its strength-to-weight ratio and corrosion resistance, titanium is widely used in aerospace, medical, and automotive industries.

Fiber lasers can typically cut titanium without causing burrs or burning, whilst maintaining the material’s integrity.

Nickel Alloys

Nickel alloys, prized for their strength and corrosion resistance, are challenging to cut with traditional methods such as CO2 laser cutters. Fiber lasers, however, can achieve precise, clean cuts, preserving the material’s properties.

This makes them ideal for applications in the energy, automotive, and aerospace sectors.

Materials Unsuitable for Fiber Laser Cutting

While fiber lasers are highly versatile, some materials are unsuitable due to their chemical composition or physical properties (such as reflective materials).

We have heard of unusual applications where fibre laser cutting machines have produced good results in unexpected situations, such as cutting corrugated cardboard with very little burning or ash on the cut faces.

However, HPC Laser generally recommends that fibre laser cutting machines are considered only for cutting metals.


Glass cannot absorb the wavelength of fiber lasers, making it unsuitable for cutting. Alternative methods such as water jet or mechanical options are recommended.

PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)

Cutting PVC with any kind of laser releases toxic chlorine gas, posing health risks and damaging the machinery. Mechanical cutting methods such as CNC routing are safer alternatives.


Polycarbonate tends to burn and discolour when exposed to laser cutting, making it impractical for fiber laser processing.

Polystyrene Foam

Polystyrene is highly flammable, releases toxic chemicals when burnt and is therefore unsuitable for both CO2 and fibre laser laser cutting.

Fiberglass & Coated Carbon Fiber

Both of these materials are unsuitable for cutting either with a CO2 or fibre laser. Fiberglass combines glass and resin, which can burn and emit toxic fumes (although dedicated fume filters can minimise it).

Coated carbon fiber also releases harmful fumes when cut with a laser. Both are also heat resistant which is usually a good indicator that a material is not well suited to laser cutting. Mechanical methods such as CNC routing are recommended.

How Many Watts Does a Fiber Laser Normally Use?

Fiber lasers are available in a wide range of power outputs, designed to meet different cutting and marking needs. Here are some common power ranges for fiber lasers:

Low-Power Fiber Lasers (10W – 100W):

Typically used for marking, engraving, and etching on materials like metals, plastics, and ceramics. These lasers are popular in industries where precision marking is essential, such as jewelry, electronics, and medical devices.

Mid-Power Fiber Lasers (100W – 500W):

Suitable for cutting thin sheets of metal, welding, and more demanding marking applications. These are often used in small-scale manufacturing and workshops where moderate cutting power is required.

High-Power Fiber Lasers (500W – 3000W):

Used for cutting thicker metals, such as steel, aluminum, and stainless steel. These lasers are commonly found in industrial settings where high-speed, high-precision cutting is needed.

Ultra-High-Power Fiber Lasers (3000W and above):

Designed for cutting very thick materials and are used in heavy industrial applications, including automotive and aerospace industries. These lasers provide the ability to cut through materials with thicknesses exceeding 20 mm.

The choice of fiber laser power depends on the specific application requirements, including the type and thickness of materials to be processed, the desired cutting speed, and the precision needed.

What Wattage Laser Can Cut Metal?

When it comes to cutting metals, it is important to note that different types of materials require different laser types and laser wattages. For metal surfaces, CO2 lasers and Fiber lasers are the most common types of lasers to use.

CO2 Lasers

In modern CO2 machines, the laser beam is typically generated within a sealed glass tube filled with gas. When a high voltage passes through the tube, it energises the gas particles and produces light.

To effectively cut metal using a CO2 laser, it is necessary to have a minimum power supply of 150W. Additionally, for safety reasons, it is crucial to have an air assist feature in place. This helps mitigate the risk of sparks and other potential hazards during the cutting process.

Through an oxygen assist or an air assist, you can be able to minimise heat around the laser head, remove molten metal and gasses from around the contact point, and ultimately ensure safety within your workplace. On top of that, air assist also allows you to achieve better engraving and laser-cutting results.

In general, high-powered CO2 lasers are designed to cut metal types such as steel and stainless steel. However, in metals such as aluminium and brass, which have high reflective properties, C02 laser cutters might not work well due to laser beam rejection.

Fibre Lasers

On the other hand, if you are looking for more precision, fibre laser machine is the perfect option. Fibre lasers excel in cutting metals at a faster pace and with greater precision due to their smaller laser beam size. Not only are they easier to use but they are also more cost-effective in terms of electricity usage and long-term maintenance.

In order to cut metal effectively, you may need to use an industrial fibre laser of at least 2,000W particularly if your goal is to cut thick metal precisely. Keep in mind that you cannot laser cut thick metals with a power supply of 20W to 50W as it won’t be able to generate enough heat.

Can a Samll 40W Laser Cut Metal?

Laser cutters are versatile tools used for cutting, engraving, and marking a variety of materials, including metals. Although they are capable of producing smooth cuts, a 40W laser cutter does not have the power required to cut through metals like aluminum, brass, tungsten, nickel, and steel. Cutting these metals generally requires higher-power lasers, such as fiber lasers or high-power CO2 lasers, with outputs of at least 500W or more, depending on the type and thickness of the metal. A 40W laser is best suited for engraving or marking coated metals, anodized aluminum, or painted surfaces. It can effectively mark metal surfaces without penetrating them.

Regarding engraving metal, a 40W laser can be used to create precise and detailed markings on metal surfaces, though it may not engrave deeply into the metal itself. This process utilizes a laser tube to generate a focused beam of light for marking. While a fiber laser is ideal for direct metal engraving due to its high precision and power, a 40W laser can still efficiently mark and engrave metal surfaces, especially when enhanced with an upgraded control board. This upgrade can improve the engraver’s performance, enhancing the accuracy, speed, and precision of the laser’s movements.

While a 40W power supply is generally sufficient for cutting non-metallic materials like acrylic, wood, and paper, a 40W CO2 laser cutter lacks the required power to make deep and precise cuts in metal. To achieve effective metal cutting, a laser cutter must have a minimum power supply of 150W, supplemented by air assist to ensure the laser beam is powerful enough to through it.

In order to find the best laser machine for metal cutting, look for features such as high power output, speed and accuracy. Additionally, you should also consider the size of the metal that you are going to cut. When working with thicker metals, you may need a more powerful laser cutter.

Laser Cutting Steel: How Much Power Do You Need

Steel is known for its strength and durability due to its unique composition and properties. It maintains its shape even under high temperatures and is resistant to corrosion, making it a challenging material to cut. Consequently, cutting steel requires a laser with higher power output to ensure complete and effective cutting.

The power needed to cut steel depends on several factors, including the thickness of the steel, the desired cutting speed, and the type of laser cutter used. High-powered CO2 lasers are typically used for cutting thick metals like steel, offering the necessary strength and precision.

Laser cutters with lower wattage are better suited for cutting thinner materials such as paper or plastic. In contrast, higher wattage lasers are more appropriate for thicker materials like metals, ensuring efficient and precise cutting.

How Thick Can a 2000W Fiber Laser Cut?

The maximum thickness of different materials cut by 2000W metal laser cutting machine: the maximum thickness of carbon steel is 16mm; The maximum thickness of stainless steel is 8mm; The maximum thickness of aluminum plate is 5mm; The maximum thickness of copper plate is 5mm;

For more parameters of 2000W fiber laser cutting machine, pls refer to this guide.

Other Common Used Laser Power Cutting Thickness

1. The maximum cutting thickness of different materials of 500W metal laser cutting machine: the maximum thickness of carbon steel is 6mm; The maximum thickness of stainless steel is 3mm; The maximum thickness of aluminum plate is 2mm; The maximum thickness of copper plate is 2mm;

2. The maximum thickness of different materials cut by 1000W metal laser cutting machine: the maximum thickness of carbon steel is 10mm; The maximum thickness of stainless steel is 5mm; The maximum thickness of aluminum plate is 3mm; The maximum thickness of copper plate is 3mm;

3. The maximum thickness of different materials cut by 3000W metal laser cutting machine: the maximum thickness of carbon steel is 20mm; The maximum thickness of stainless steel is 10mm; The maximum thickness of aluminum plate is 8mm; The maximum thickness of copper plate is 8mm;

4. 4000W laser cutting stainless steel is 16mm at most, but the quality of the cutting surface above 12mm is not guaranteed, and the cutting surface below 12mm is definitely bright. The cutting capacity of 6000W will be better, but the price is also higher.

2000w fiber laser cutting parameter Krrass

How Do I Choose the Right Power for Metal Cutting?

A 1000W fiber laser cutting machine can typically cut carbon steel plates up to about 10mm thick, though cutting stainless steel is a bit more challenging. Increasing the cutting thickness often means sacrificing edge quality and speed. The thickness a laser can cut is influenced by various factors, including the material being cut, the machine’s quality, the cutting environment, auxiliary gas used, and the cutting speed.

When selecting a metal laser cutting machine, customers should consider not only the usual thickness of the plates they work with but also how often they cut at maximum thickness. For instance, if the plates are 12mm to 16mm thick, a 6000W laser machine may be necessary to meet cutting requirements.

For plates between 4mm and 8mm thick, a 2000W or 3000W machine is typically recommended. It’s advisable to choose a 3000W laser cutter to allow for power attenuation over time. It’s important to note that there is a significant price difference between 3000W and 6000W machines, so understanding your cutting needs is crucial to avoid overinvesting in capability that might not be frequently used, affecting cost recovery.

Another consideration is whether the maximum cutting capacity equates to quality cutting. If you need to achieve a smooth, bright surface, the effective cutting capacity decreases by about 60%. For example, a 500W laser can cut a 3mm thick plate smoothly but struggles with a 4mm plate.

Similarly, a 3000W laser can achieve quality cutting on plates less than 12mm thick, ensuring continuous and stable operation. Quality cutting thickness is not the same as maximum cutting thickness. If a laser machine lacks the power to cut the required thickness, it may lead to issues like hole bursting or incomplete cuts.

Ultimately, selecting the right laser cutting machine should be based on your specific needs, balancing power with expected plate thickness and quality requirements. This careful consideration ensures efficient investment and optimal performance for your cutting tasks.

Choosing the right power for metal cutting involves understanding various factors that influence the laser cutting process. Here’s a guide to help you make an informed decision:

1. Determine the Material Type and Thickness

Material Type: Different metals absorb laser energy differently. Common materials include steel, stainless steel, aluminum, copper, and brass. Each has different properties that affect cutting.

Material Thickness: The thickness of the metal greatly influences the power required. Thicker materials generally need higher power to ensure effective cutting. For instance, cutting a 10mm carbon steel plate might require a 1000W laser, while thicker plates require more power.

2. Understand the Cutting Requirements

Cut Quality: Higher power lasers can achieve cleaner cuts on thicker materials. If high precision and smooth edges are important, consider investing in a laser with sufficient power.

Cut Speed: Higher power allows faster cutting speeds, which can increase productivity. Balance your need for speed with quality and budget considerations.

3. Evaluate Machine Capability

Machine Quality: Ensure that the laser cutting machine can handle the power output effectively. A reliable machine will ensure consistent performance and reduce the risk of operational issues.

Power Attenuation: Over time, laser power can decrease. Choose a machine with slightly more power than currently needed to accommodate future attenuation.

4. Consider Operational Factors

Cutting Environment: Factors such as temperature, humidity, and ventilation can impact laser performance. Ensure the environment is suitable for the machine’s operation.

Auxiliary Gas: The type of gas used (e.g., oxygen, nitrogen) can affect cutting quality and speed. Different gases are used based on the material and desired finish.

5. Assess Cost and ROI

Budget: Higher-power lasers are more expensive. Evaluate the cost against the expected return on investment (ROI), considering how often you will utilize the full power capacity.

Production Volume: Consider the volume of metal cutting you expect to perform. Higher power might be justified if you have large-scale production needs.

6. Consult with Experts

Professional Advice: Speak with manufacturers or industry experts (such as from Krrass Machinery)to gain insights into the best laser power for your specific applications. They can provide tailored recommendations based on your requirements.

What Are the Common Misunderstandings about Laser Cutting Power?

Understanding laser cutting power can be complex, and several common misunderstandings often arise. Here are some key misconceptions:

Higher Power Always Equals Better Cutting Quality

Many believe that a higher wattage laser will always produce better quality cuts. However, while higher power lasers can cut thicker materials and increase cutting speed, the quality of the cut also depends on factors like beam focus, material type, and machine precision. For thin materials, a lower power laser can achieve high-quality cuts without requiring excessive power.

More Power Means Faster Cutting for All Materials

It’s assumed that higher power lasers will cut all materials faster. However, cutting speed is influenced by material type and thickness. While higher power lasers can cut thicker materials more quickly, they don’t always translate to faster cutting of thin materials. Speed also depends on the laser’s efficiency, focusing capabilities, and the overall setup.

Laser Power Determines the Maximum Material Thickness

There’s a belief that the maximum cutting thickness is solely determined by laser power. However, the maximum material thickness a laser can cut depends on several factors, including the type of material, cutting speed, and the quality of the laser machine. Beam quality, assist gas, and machine stability also play crucial roles.

All Laser Cutting Machines Are the Same

People often think that all lasers with the same power level are equivalent. However, lasers vary in technology, such as CO2 versus fiber lasers, which affects their performance and suitability for different materials. Fiber lasers are generally better for reflective metals and thinner materials, while CO2 lasers excel in cutting non-metallic materials and thicker metals.

High Power is Always Necessary for Industrial Use

It is believed that only high-power lasers are suitable for industrial applications. However, the power needed depends on the specific applications and materials. For many industrial uses, a laser with moderate power might suffice if it aligns with the required material thickness and cut quality.

Addressing these misunderstandings can help in making more informed decisions about laser cutting equipment and ensuring that the chosen machine aligns with specific cutting needs and applications.

2000 fiber laser cutting for metal

Maximizing Efficiency: Factors Influencing Cutting Thickness

The maximum thickness a fiber laser can cut depends on several factors, including laser power, material properties, assist gas type, and cutting conditions. Here’s a detailed look at these key considerations:

Laser Power: Higher-wattage lasers enable cutting of thicker materials. For instance, a 30kW fiber laser can typically cut carbon and stainless steels up to 60mm thick. The greater the power, the more capacity the laser has to penetrate and cut through substantial material thicknesses.

Material Reflectivity: Materials like aluminum and brass, which have higher reflectivity, require more power to cut compared to less reflective materials like carbon and stainless steels. The reflectivity affects how well the laser energy is absorbed by the material, impacting cutting efficiency and quality.

Cutting Speed and Gas Pressure: The speed at which the laser moves and the pressure of the assist gases play significant roles in the cutting process. Faster cutting speeds and higher assist gas pressures can enhance the quality of the cut and the maximum thickness achievable. Adjusting these parameters optimizes the laser’s performance for various material types and thicknesses.

Focal Distance and Beam Quality: Proper focusing of the laser beam is crucial for delivering optimal energy to the material. Accurate focal distance ensures that the laser energy is concentrated effectively, resulting in cleaner and more precise cuts at greater thicknesses. High beam quality further enhances cutting efficiency and results in better overall cut quality.


CO2 Vs. Fibre: Which Machine Is Better?

If you’re looking to engrave and cut non-metals such as acrylic, wood, card, leather and fabrics a CO2 Laser is perfect; If you need a machine to cleanly, accurately and very consistently cut metals, a fibre laser is ideal for you.

How Powerful of a Laser Do You Need to Cut Steel?

In order to cut metal effectively, you may need to use an industrial fibre laser of at least 2,000W particularly if your goal is to cut thick metal precisely. 

What Are the Disadvantages of Fiber Laser Cutting?

Due to the complexity of the machine, training and maintenance costs can be higher when compared to other types of metal cutting. Besides the price is higher.


When considering a 2000W fiber laser for your cutting needs, the KRRASS brand offers exceptional solutions. KRRASS fiber lasers are renowned for their reliability, precision, and advanced technology. Their machines are designed to handle various materials and thicknesses efficiently, providing high-quality results with optimal cutting speed.

Whether you’re cutting steel, stainless steel, or aluminum, KRRASS’s innovative laser cutting machines are engineered to meet the demands of modern industrial applications. By choosing KRRASS, you invest in cutting-edge technology that ensures excellent performance and durability. If any question, pls feel free to ask us!

2000 fiber laser cutting machine Krrass
2000 fiber laser cutting machine Krrass

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