Konfiguration und Parameter der 1500-W-Faserlaserschneidmaschine

The configuration and parameters of the 1500W fiber laser cutting machine may vary depending on the manufacturer and model. The following are the generally possible configurations and basic parameters, but please note that this is for reference only:


  • Laser: 1500W fiber laser
  • Cutting head: Equipped with nozzle, focusing lens and focus tracking system
  • Operating system: The computer system that controls the cutting machine, usually using Bochu or other common laser cutting systems
  • Machine tool: including lathe, guide rails, drive system and other components
  • Cooling System: A system used to cool lasers and other critical components
  • Auxiliary gas system: A gas system used to support the combustion and cutting process, usually including oxygen, nitrogen or air

Basic parameters of 1500w fiber laser cutting machine:

  • Laser power: 1500W
  • Cutting speed: Depends on cutting material and thickness, generally in mm/s
  • Workbench area: The size of the cutting area, usually in mm
  • Cutting thickness: Depends on cutting material, typically steel, stainless steel, aluminum, etc.
  • Positioning accuracy: Machine tool positioning accuracy, usually in mm
  • Repeatable positioning accuracy: The positioning accuracy of the machine tool in continuous operations
  • Assist gas type: Typically oxygen, nitrogen or air
  • Cooling method: Usually water cooling system is used
  • Power requirements: voltage, frequency, etc.

Precautions: Laserschneidmaschinen of different manufacturers and models may have different configurations and parameters. Please refer to the detailed technical specifications provided at the time of purchase.

1500w fiber laser cutting machine from Krrass
1500w fiber laser cutting machine from Krrass

The performance and cutting effect of a fiber laser cutting machine are also affected by factors such as tool quality, tool wear, and cutting speed.
When operating a laser cutting machine, you must follow relevant safety operating procedures and use appropriate protective equipment and safety measures.

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