Swing Beam Shearing Machine Vs Guillotine Shear: What’s Difference

A hydraulic shearing machine represents a vital piece of industrial equipment utilized for cutting sheet metal and plate materials using hydraulic force. Hydraulic cylinders are employed to generate the necessary force for the cutting process. However, when selecting a hydraulic shearing machine, confusion may arise between swing beam shearing machines and guillotine shearing machines. Understanding the distinctions between these two variants is crucial for determining the most suitable option for specific working purposes. Today, we will shed light on the differences between swing beam and guillotine shearing machines.

Swing Beam Shearing Machine vs Guillotine Shearing Machine: Difference Explained

Blade Cutting Edge

Guillotine shear: 4 cutting edges for upper blade and 4 cutting edges for bottom blade.

Swing beam shear: 2 cutting edges for upper blade and 4 cutting edges for bottom blade.

swing beam shearing machine  vs guillotine shears
swing beam shearing machine vs guillotine shears

Cutting Method

Guillotine shear: upper blade moves up and down uprightly and bottom blade is fixed on the worktable.

Swing beam shear: upper blade moves in arc motion and bottom blade is fixed on the worktable.


Blade Gap Adjustment

Guillotine shear: blade gap can be set by motor.

Swing beam shear: blade gap can only be set by manual crank.

Cutting Angle Adjustment

Guillotine shear: cutting angle cut be set step by step on controller.

Swing beam shear: cutting angle adjustment is unavailable.


Understanding these differences is crucial for selecting the most suitable shearing machine based on factors such as material thickness, cutting precision requirements, available workspace, and production volume. Each type of machine has its advantages and limitations, and careful consideration is essential to make the optimal choice for specific working purposes.

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