Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Price Vs CO2 Laser: Which Is Cheaper?

Investing in laser cutting technology involves considering various factors, with price being a significant consideration. Fiber laser cutting machines and CO2 laser cutting machines are two prominent options in the market, each with its advantages and price considerations. Understanding the differences in pricing between fiber and CO2 lasers is crucial for making an informed decision. In this ultimate guide, we’ll delve into the factors that influence the fiber laser cutting machine price versus CO2 lasers, helping you determine which option best fits your needs and budget.

Overview of Fiber Laser and CO2 Laser Technology

Introduction to Fiber Laser Cutting

Fiber laser cutting utilizes a solid-state laser to generate a high-intensity laser beam. The laser beam is transmitted through a flexible fiber optic cable to the cutting head, where it is focused onto the workpiece surface. Fiber lasers are known for their efficiency, precision, and versatility in cutting a wide range of materials.


Fiber lasers represent a cutting-edge technology in laser cutting, utilizing a solid-state laser medium, typically doped fibers, to generate a highly concentrated laser beam. This design allows for several significant advantages. They offer exceptional power density, enabling faster cutting speeds and ensuring superior cutting quality compared to other types of lasers. This high power density is particularly advantageous for achieving precise cuts, even in thick metal materials.

Moreover, fiber lasers are highly efficient in converting energy into laser light, making them more energy-efficient and cost-effective to operate. Their efficiency contributes to reduced energy consumption and lower operating costs over time. As a result, fiber lasers have gained widespread adoption in industrial applications, particularly for cutting metals such as steel, aluminum, copper, and brass.

Their versatility and reliability make fiber lasers increasingly popular across various industries. Manufacturers appreciate their consistent performance, high precision, and low maintenance requirements, making them indispensable tools for metal fabrication and manufacturing processes. In essence, fiber lasers have transformed metal cutting processes, offering faster production times and higher-quality results, thus meeting the demands of modern industrial applications.

Fiber laser cutting technology

Introduction to CO2 Laser Cutting

CO2 laser cutting technology relies on a gas mixture excited by an electrical discharge to produce the laser beam. This beam is then directed through mirrors and a focusing lens to the cutting head. CO2 lasers have been a staple in laser cutting for decades and are valued for their versatility across various materials.


CO2 lasers rely on a gas mixture, usually containing carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and helium, to generate the laser beam. This gas mixture is excited by an electrical discharge, resulting in the emission of a high-energy laser beam. One of the key features of CO2 lasers is their ability to provide good beam quality, making them suitable for a wide range of cutting applications.

These lasers are effective for cutting both non-metallic materials and metals with precision. They are widely used across industries for cutting materials such as wood, acrylic, plastic, fabric, and thin metals. The versatility to work with such a variety of materials makes CO2 lasers highly valuable in applications like signage, packaging, textiles, and more.

Moreover, CO2 lasers are capable of cutting thicker materials compared to fiber lasers, thanks to their longer wavelength (around 10.6 micrometers). This longer wavelength allows for deeper penetration into the material, making CO2 lasers preferable for applications where cutting through thicker materials is necessary.

CO2 laser cutting technology

What’s Main Difference Between Fiber and CO2 Lasers

The main difference between a CO2 and a fiber laser is the wavelength of the beam. This determines the type of material each laser can process. The wavelength of the two lasers is shown below: 

CO2 Laser10.6 μm
Fiber Laser1.06 μm

The shorter wavelength of a fiber laser makes it particularly well-suited for cutting metals as more of the beam’s energy is absorbed into the material and less is reflected, resulting in more efficient cutting compared to CO2 lasers.

Additionally, the spot size of a laser plays a crucial role in determining the kerf width, which affects cutting precision. Fiber lasers typically have smaller spot sizes, leading to higher precision during cutting and higher optical densities (the laser power per unit area). In contrast, CO2 laser spot sizes can be significantly larger, up to 90% larger than those of fiber lasers.

Fiber lasers offer flexibility with the option of either zoom or non-zoom cutting heads. Zoom heads allow for adjusting the focus spot diameter and, consequently, the kerf width. This feature enables thicker sheets to be cut efficiently using the same power laser. On the other hand, CO2 machines use different heads and lenses to achieve various spot sizes, but they lack the adjustability of spot size that fiber lasers offer.

Another difference between the two is the price. In fact, fiber laser technology is more expensive than CO2 technology.

Why Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Price Is More Expensive

Several factors contribute to the higher cost of fiber lasers compared to CO2 lasers:

Technology and Materials

Fiber lasers require advanced technology and high-quality materials, such as semiconductor diodes, which are more expensive to develop and maintain than CO2 laser components.

Efficiency and Performance

Known for their superior efficiency and performance, fiber lasers deliver better beam quality, faster processing speeds, and lower energy consumption. These sophisticated features and capabilities contribute to the higher cost of fiber lasers.


The development and refinement of fiber laser technology demand substantial investment in research and development, which is reflected in the overall cost of these systems.

Customization and Integration

Fiber lasers are often integrated into complex manufacturing systems and tailored for specific purposes. This necessitates additional engineering and integration efforts, further contributing to their higher overall cost.

In summary, the advanced technology, enhanced performance, and specialized materials used in fiber lasers, along with significant investment in research and development, all contribute to their higher cost compared to CO2 lasers. However, the benefits of improved efficiency, performance, and productivity often justify the investment in many industrial applications.

Cost Considerations and Suitability

Initial Purchase Cost

When considering the upfront cost, fiber laser cutting machine prices are generally more expensive than CO2 laser cutting machines. This is primarily due to the advanced technology utilized in fiber lasers, such as diode pumping and fiber optic cables, which are more costly than the components used in CO2 lasers, like CO2 laser tubes and auxiliary gases.

Operating Costs

Despite the higher initial investment, fiber laser cutting machines offer significant advantages in terms of operating costs. Fiber lasers boast an electrical-to-optical conversion efficiency of around 30%, compared to the 10% efficiency of CO2 lasers. This higher efficiency means that FLCs consume less electricity for the same cutting tasks, leading to substantial energy cost savings over time. Additionally, fiber lasers do not require additional working gases, while CO2 lasers consume a considerable amount of gases during operation, adding to their running costs.

Maintenance Costs

Fiber laser cutting machines also have a distinct advantage regarding maintenance costs. The modular and redundant design of fiber lasers, combined with the absence of optical mirrors in the resonator cavity, simplifies maintenance. In contrast, CO2 lasers have a more complex structure, and their optical mirrors are prone to damage and costly to replace, resulting in higher maintenance expenses.

Processing Efficiency

In terms of processing efficiency, fiber laser cutting machines outperform their CO2 counterparts. FLCs possess a higher laser beam density, intensity, brightness, and conversion rate, enabling them to cut thin metal sheets 2-3 times faster than CO2 lasers with the same power output.

Fiber laser operation

Material Suitability

Another important factor is the suitability of each technology for different materials. Fiber laser cutting machines are more adept at cutting metals, while CO2 laser cutting machines excel with non-metallic materials. If your business primarily involves cutting metal sheets, an FLC may be the better choice.

In summary, while fiber laser cutting machines have a higher initial purchase cost, their lower operating and maintenance costs, superior processing efficiency, and suitability for metal cutting make them a compelling option for many industrial applications.

Cost Analysis: Which Is More Cost-Effective?

Cutting Speed: Comparative Efficiency

When it comes to cutting speed, fiber lasers demonstrate significant advantages over CO2 lasers, especially with thin sheets (< 8 mm) and stainless steel. For instance, for a 1 mm sheet, fiber lasers can cut up to 6 times faster than CO2 lasers. This speed difference decreases to around 2 times faster for a 5 mm sheet.

Increasing the laser source power by just 2 kW can enhance cutting speeds by 2-3 times for thin sheets. As sheet thickness increases (at the same laser power), CO2 lasers can match and sometimes exceed fiber laser cutting speeds, though the difference remains minimal compared to thinner sheets.

High-power CO2 lasers (above 6 kW) are less common than their fiber laser counterparts. Therefore, for machines with higher power requirements, fiber lasers achieve faster cutting speeds across all sheet thicknesses.

It’s important to note that the optimal cutting speed isn’t always the fastest. Efficiency and cost-effectiveness considerations often prioritize factors like consumable lifespans and gas usage.

Material & Thickness6kW Fiber

Speed (m/min)
6kW CO2

Speed (m/min)
Stainless Steel
5 mm
Stainless Steel
10 mm
Stainless Steel
15 mm
Mild Steel
5 mm
Mild Steel
10 mm
Mild Steel
15 mm
Cutting Speed Comparison

Investment Costs: Comparing Machine Acquisition

The acquisition cost of a laser machine is influenced by several factors, including:

  • Laser power
  • Cutting area
  • Automation levels

For industrial purposes, a second-hand CO2 laser system can start at approximately £150,000 and can go up from there.

New industrial fiber laser machines typically range from £275,000 to £550,000, with some models reaching up to a million pounds. However, the cost of laser systems, particularly those utilizing solid-state technology, is gradually decreasing as this technology gains popularity.

Similarly, a new CO2 laser system also falls within a comparable price range. It’s worth noting that while the prices for CO2 laser sources have stabilized, advancements in solid-state lasers are influencing overall laser system costs.

Maintenance Costs and Requirements

Fiber lasers exhibit significantly lower maintenance needs compared to CO2 lasers, primarily due to their distinct beam delivery systems.

Fiber lasers utilize a monolithic configuration where the laser beam travels through a fiber optic cable to reach the cutting head. This design protects the optics path entirely from contaminants. The primary consumables for fiber lasers are the nozzle (similar to CO2 lasers) and the protective window.

In contrast, CO2 lasers employ bend mirrors housed within bellows, sometimes filled with nitrogen, to deliver the beam to the cutting head. Over time, these mirrors and bellows accumulate dirt and require regular cleaning or replacement to maintain cutting performance. The repetitive motion of the machine can also lead to wear and tear on the bellows, causing holes.

Due to their more exposed beam delivery system, CO2 lasers are susceptible to greater variability in laser quality and output, influenced by environmental factors such as temperature and moisture. The heat generated by CO2 lasers can distort mirrors, leading to decreased power delivery to the cutting head and necessitating adjustments in cutting parameters, which can be time-consuming.

Fiber laser cutting machine maintenance

A significant maintenance concern with CO2 lasers is the potential for damage to the expensive oscillator if the laser beam reflects back down the delivery system. Maintenance for a CO2 laser cutting head typically requires 4-5 hours per week, whereas maintenance for a fiber laser is generally less than half an hour per week.

Aligning the laser beam is crucial to ensure uniform cutting quality across all edges of a profile. Misalignment, often caused by collisions between the cutting head and materials, is more complex and time-intensive to correct in CO2 lasers due to their multiple-mirror beam delivery systems. In contrast, fiber lasers require adjustment of a single lens for alignment purposes.

In summary, while both CO2 and fiber lasers require regular maintenance, fiber lasers offer lower maintenance costs and simpler upkeep due to their protected beam delivery system and reduced susceptibility to environmental factors.

Auxiliary Gas Usage

Due to the smaller spot size and resulting narrow kerf width of fiber lasers, higher gas pressures are required to effectively expel the molten material during cutting.

However, by carefully adjusting cutting parameters such as speed and focal position, and by optimizing gas pressure and nozzle size, it is possible to minimize gas consumption.

Below table displays the gas pressure and nozzle size utilized for cutting the aforementioned samples, as well as the associated costs using both a 6 kW fiber laser and CO2 laser.

Gas Pressure (bar)*Gas Usage
Cost (£/h) with continuous cutting
Material & ThicknessFiberCO2FiberCO2FiberCO2FiberCO2
Stainless Steel
5 mm
Stainless Steel
10 mm
Stainless Steel
15 mm
Mild Steel
5 mm£0.45£0.35
Mild Steel
10 mm£1.01£0.78
Mild Steel
15 mm£1.12£1.01

In conclusion, when cutting stainless steel, a fiber laser typically consumes approximately 40% more nitrogen per hour compared to a CO2 laser. For cutting mild steel, the consumption of oxygen is approximately 20% higher with a fiber laser. If you primarily work with stainless steel and are seeking more information on fiber laser cutting machines, we recommend referring to this comprehensive guide on finding the best stainless steel fiber laser.

Electricity Costs

When comparing electricity costs, fiber lasers emerge as more economical and environmentally friendly than CO2 lasers.

CO2 lasers operate at an efficiency of around 10%. For instance, to power a 6 kW CO2 laser, a 60 kW power supply is necessary. In contrast, fiber lasers are considerably more efficient, typically around 45% to 50%. This means that a 6 kW fiber laser requires only a 13 kW power supply.

As laser power increases, so does the demand for electricity due to the requirement for a larger chiller. However, even at similar power levels, the electricity costs for operating a CO2 laser’s chiller are generally higher than those for a fiber laser.

The electrical needs of the extraction system vary with the required size: as laser power and cutting table area increase, so too does the power demand of the filtration system.

Fiber laser cutter electricity

In summary, the markedly lower electricity costs associated with fiber laser machines can lead to substantial savings in operational expenses for various cutting applications.


Despite being an older technology, CO2 lasers still excel, particularly in cutting non-metals.

However, the significant advantages of fiber lasers—including speeds up to five times faster on thin materials (< 8 mm), 50% lower operating costs, and higher productivity—can lead to transformative financial benefits.

If you have any questions about laser cutting, please feel free to contact us. Our team of expert engineers is ready to assist you in finding the ideal CNC cutting machine. They are eager to discuss your specific requirements and how Krrass Machinery can help you achieve your goals.

What Factors Affect Fiber Laser Cutting Price

Laser Power: The power rating of the laser source significantly impacts the machine’s cost. Higher wattage lasers are capable of faster cutting speeds and handling thicker materials, which generally results in a higher price.

Machine Size and Cutting Area: Larger machines with bigger cutting beds or working areas will generally cost more due to the increased material and construction costs required to build them.

Laser Source Type: Fiber lasers are known for their efficiency and reliability, making them popular for industrial applications. They typically have higher initial costs compared to CO2 or YAG lasers, but their operational efficiency and lower maintenance costs can offset this initial investment over time.

Cutting Speed and Performance: Machines with higher cutting speeds and advanced cutting capabilities (such as faster acceleration and deceleration rates) are priced higher due to their enhanced technology and productivity.

Automation and Additional Features: Advanced features like automatic loading/unloading systems, advanced software for programming and simulation, precision cooling systems, and automated material handling can significantly increase the machine’s cost but improve overall efficiency and productivity.

Build Quality and Construction: Machines built with high-quality materials, robust construction, and precision engineering tend to command higher prices due to their durability, reliability, and ability to maintain accuracy over time.

Brand Reputation: Established brands with a reputation for quality, reliability, and excellent customer support often charge a premium for their machines. However, choosing a reputable brand can provide assurance of long-term performance and service.

Support and Services: The availability of comprehensive training, technical support, and maintenance services from the manufacturer or supplier can also impact the overall cost. Machines that come with extensive support and service agreements may have higher upfront costs but can provide peace of mind and minimize downtime.

In summary, while the initial cost of a fiber laser cutting machine can vary significantly based on these factors, it’s essential to consider the long-term benefits, efficiency gains, and operational savings that a higher-quality machine can offer over its lifespan.

Different laser brand influence fiber laser cutting machine price
Different laser brand influence fiber laser cutting machine price

What’s the Approximate Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Price

The price of fiber laser cutting machines can vary widely depending on several factors, including the machine’s specifications, capabilities, brand, and additional features. Here’s a general guideline:

Price range based on different level

Entry-Level Machines: These typically range from $50,000 to $150,000. They are suitable for smaller workshops or businesses with basic cutting needs and may have lower laser power and smaller cutting areas.

Mid-Range Machines: These machines typically cost between $150,000 to $500,000. They offer higher laser power, larger cutting areas, and enhanced features such as faster cutting speeds and more advanced automation capabilities.

High-End Machines: These top-tier machines can range from $500,000 to over $1 million. They are equipped with the highest laser powers, large cutting areas, advanced automation, precision cooling systems, and the latest cutting-edge technology for demanding industrial applications.

Price range based on different laser brand

Here’s an approximate price range for fiber laser cutting machines based on different brands. Please note that these prices can vary based on specific configurations, features, and local market conditions. Prices are given in USD and are approximate:


  • Entry-Level: $100,000 – $300,000
  • Mid-Range: $300,000 – $800,000
  • High-End: $800,000 and above


  • Entry-Level: $80,000 – $250,000
  • Mid-Range: $250,000 – $600,000
  • High-End: $600,000 and above


  • Entry-Level: $70,000 – $200,000
  • Mid-Range: $200,000 – $500,000
  • High-End: $500,000 and above


  • Entry-Level: $80,000 – $250,000
  • Mid-Range: $250,000 – $600,000
  • High-End: $600,000 and above

Han’s Laser:

  • Entry-Level: $50,000 – $150,000
  • Mid-Range: $150,000 – $400,000
  • High-End: $400,000 and above

IPG Photonics:

  • Entry-Level: $60,000 – $180,000
  • Mid-Range: $180,000 – $500,000
  • High-End: $500,000 and above

Price range based on different laser source brand

IPG Laser:

  • Entry-Level: $60,000 – $150,000
  • Mid-Range: $150,000 – $400,000
  • High-End: $400,000 and above

nLIGHT Laser:

  • Entry-Level: $50,000 – $120,000
  • Mid-Range: $120,000 – $300,000
  • High-End: $300,000 and above

Raycus Laser:

  • Entry-Level: $40,000 – $100,000
  • Mid-Range: $100,000 – $250,000
  • High-End: $250,000 and above

Coherent Laser:

  • Entry-Level: $70,000 – $180,000
  • Mid-Range: $180,000 – $500,000
  • High-End: $500,000 and above

Fiberlaser Source:

  • Entry-Level: $50,000 – $130,000
  • Mid-Range: $130,000 – $350,000
  • High-End: $350,000 and above

Max Photonics:

  • Entry-Level: $45,000 – $110,000
  • Mid-Range: $110,000 – $280,000
  • High-End: $280,000 and above

For accurate pricing and to find a machine that meets your needs, it’s advisable to consult directly with suppliers or manufacturers specializing in fiber laser cutting machines with the specific laser source you are interested in.

How To Purchase A Ideal Fiber Laser Cutting Machine With Best Price

Identify Your Requirements: Begin by assessing your specific needs:

  • Cutting Capacity: Determine the maximum thickness and types of materials you will be cutting regularly.
  • Laser Power: Calculate the necessary laser power based on material thickness and desired cutting speed.
  • Cutting Area Size: Evaluate the dimensions of the materials you will typically work with to select an appropriate cutting bed size.
  • Automation Needs: Decide on the level of automation required, considering factors like production volume and efficiency goals.
  • Additional Features: Consider advanced features such as software capabilities, cooling systems, and maintenance requirements.

Research and Compare Manufacturers:

  • Reputation and Reliability: Look for manufacturers with a solid reputation for producing high-quality, reliable machines. Check customer reviews, industry certifications, and longevity in the market.
  • Technological Capabilities: Assess the manufacturer’s technological innovations and advancements in fiber laser cutting technology.
  • Support Services: Evaluate the manufacturer’s support offerings, including technical assistance, training programs, and warranty coverage.

Request Detailed Quotes and Compare Prices:

  • Contact several reputable manufacturers to request detailed quotes tailored to your specific requirements.
  • Compare not only the initial purchase price but also ongoing costs such as maintenance, spare parts availability, and energy efficiency.

Consider Total Cost of Ownership (TCO):

  • Evaluate the total cost of ownership over the machine’s lifespan, including maintenance costs, energy consumption, and potential productivity gains.
  • Factor in long-term benefits such as improved efficiency, reduced downtime, and increased production capacity.

Negotiate and Finalize the Purchase:

  • Negotiate with manufacturers based on competitive quotes and your budget constraints.
  • Ensure all terms and conditions, including delivery schedules, installation, training, and warranty details, are clearly outlined and agreed upon.

Plan for Installation and Training:

  • Coordinate with the manufacturer for machine delivery, installation, and setup according to your production schedule.
  • Schedule comprehensive training sessions for your operators to ensure they can operate the machine safely and effectively.

Establish Maintenance and Support Protocols:

  • Develop a proactive maintenance plan following manufacturer guidelines to optimize machine performance and longevity.
  • Maintain open communication with the manufacturer for ongoing technical support and to address any operational issues promptly.
Krrass fiber laser cutting machine
Krrass fiber laser cutting machine

Empower Efficiency: Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Price At Krrass

Investing in a fiber laser cutting machine from Krrass not only promises enhanced efficiency in your manufacturing processes but also ensures cost-effectiveness over the long term. With Krrass’s commitment to quality and innovation, coupled with competitive pricing, you can achieve significant productivity gains and operational savings. Whether you are aiming to expand capabilities, improve throughput, or streamline operations, Krrass offers a range of machines tailored to meet diverse cutting needs. By choosing Krrass, you empower your business with advanced technology that drives efficiency and profitability in today’s competitive market.

Krrass RAS Smart fiber laser cutting machine with cost-effective price
Krrass RAS Smart fiber laser cutting machine with cost-effective price

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