Paramètres de découpe laser 2000 W

In the dynamic world of metal fabrication, precision and efficiency are paramount. The latest 2000W découpe laser machine with a 50μm single-mode laser source is designed to meet these demands, offering unparalleled cutting capabilities. This article explores the cutting parameters of our advanced 2000W laser cutter, providing you with the detailed information needed to optimize your operations and achieve superior results.

The cutting parameters for a 2000W laser cutting machine are essential to achieving high-quality cuts with minimal waste. These parameters include cutting speed, focal position, gas pressure, and power settings, which vary based on the material type and thickness. Below, we present a comprehensive table of cutting parameters for different materials to help you achieve optimal results.

Note: The actual batch cutting, affected by machine tools, systems, cutting head, air pressure, materials and other factors, the data may be changed, the asterisks marked parameters in the table are proofing parameters, in the actual processing is greatly affected by various factors, only suitable for small batch production, mass production and processing is not recommended, it is recommended to use higher power laser.

Understanding and applying the correct 2000W laser cutting parameters is essential for achieving high-quality, precise cuts. By fine-tuning power output, cutting speed, focus position, gas pressure, and pulse frequency, you can optimize your laser cutting operations to meet specific material requirements. Our latest 2000W laser cutting machine, with its advanced features and customizable parameters, ensures superior performance and efficiency.

For more detailed information and to explore how our 2000W laser cutting machine can enhance your production process, visit our website page. Stay tuned for more updates and insights on laser cutting technologies.

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