Cortador de Plasma: Prós e Contras na Fabricação de Metais –
O que é Plasma Cutter Um Plasma Cutter é uma ferramenta que corta metal usando um gás que é aquecido a temperaturas muito altas e é altamente ionizado. Ele transfere a potência do arco para a peça de trabalho. A alta temperatura derrete a peça de trabalho e a sopra para fora, formando o estado de trabalho do corte de plasma. Então, o metal ... Ler mais

Prensa Dobradora CNC: Análise dos 2 Melhores Projetos de Fixação Hidráulica
As one of the most widely used sheet metal bending equipment, the CNC press brake is widely used in the sheet metal processing and equipment manufacturing industry. It is a crucial supporting equipment for sheet metal processing along with CNC turret punch, CNC plate shearing machine, and CNC laser cutting machine. The CNC press brake ... Ler mais

Funções e peças do freio de prensa NC explicadas: mesa de trabalho, medidor traseiro, suporte frontal e muito mais
Previous article: NC Press Brake Functions and Parts Explained: Body, Controller, Ram and Stroke We discussed some parts and funtions of a NC press brake, this article we will explore remaining parts and learn about the functions. Other Important Parts of NC Press Brake Press Brake Worktable The back stopper moves forwards and backwards through ... Ler mais

Funções e peças do freio de prensa NC explicadas: corpo, controlador, aríete e curso
What Is A NC Press Brake A NC press brake is a type of machine tool used in metalworking and sheet metal fabrication processes. It is specifically designed for bending and shaping sheet metal into desired shapes and angles. Unlike conventional manual press brakes, NC press brakes are equipped with numerical control systems that allow ... Ler mais

Cortadores a laser: explorando a capacidade de cortar em ângulos
Introduction Brief overview of laser cutters A laser cutter is a high-precision and high-efficiency modern manufacturing tool. It utilizes a high-energy-density laser beam as a heat resource to cut the material precisely. This non-contact processing method makes it widely used in various types of metals and the non-metal manufacturing industry owing to its extraordinary precision, ... Ler mais

Máquinas de cisalhamento: Parâmetros fundamentais de desempenho explicados
Shearing machines are vital tools in metalworking, offering precise cutting capabilities for a variety of materials and thicknesses. To maximize efficiency and achieve optimal results, it's essential to grasp the fundamental performance parameters that govern their operation. Let's explore these key parameters in detail. Key Parameters of Shearing Machine Cutting Capacity: Definition: Cutting capacity refers ... Ler mais

Matrizes de prensa dobradeira: guia definitivo
What Is Press Brake Dies? The press brake die is a tool utilized by the press brake machine to form sheet metal. This tool comprises of various components, and the composition of the tooling can vary. The primary function of the press brake die is to alter the physical state of the material being formed, ... Ler mais

O que é laser de fibra? Definição, características, princípios, tipos e muito mais
What Is Fiber Laser? Fiber laser is a solid-state laser that uses rare earth element-doped glass fiber as the gain medium, which features with high photoelectric conversion efficiency, simple structure, and good beam quality. It has become the mainstream flow of laser technology development and industrial application. Due to the small footprint of optical fiber, ... Ler mais

Máquina de corte a laser de fibra: quão rápida e grossa ela pode cortar metal – Um guia definitivo
What is Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Fiber laser cutting machine is a new type of high-precision metal cutting system that uses a CNC controller to drive laser head to cut metals with the designed layout file to automate metal fabrication in small businesses and industrial manufacturing. From 1mm stainless steel, to over 100mm carbon steel, ... Ler mais

Guia definitivo para máquina de entalhe: definição, princípio, característica e aplicação
O que é uma máquina de entalhe Uma máquina de entalhe, também conhecida como entalhador, é uma ferramenta especializada usada em metalurgia para criar entalhes ou cortes em chapas ou placas de metal. Essas máquinas geralmente consistem em uma estrutura resistente com um mecanismo de corte, que pode ser operado manualmente, mecanicamente, hidraulicamente ou até mesmo com controles CNC. Entalhamento... Ler mais

Máquina de Dobra Hidráulica: Falhas Comuns e Soluções
Introduction: Hydraulic bending machines are indispensable tools in metal fabrication, providing precision bending capabilities for a wide range of applications. However, like any mechanical equipment, they are susceptible to various faults that can disrupt operations. Understanding common issues and their solutions is essential for minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity. Common Faults and Solutions of Hydraulic ... Ler mais

Prensa Dobradora Hidráulica: Diagnóstico de Falhas e Análise de Tratamento
The speed of the return trip of the sliding block is slow, which will lead to the decrease of the production efficiency of the hydraulic press brake and affect the production efficiency of the enterprise. This paper analyzes the causes of the failure of the hydraulic press brake, makes a comprehensive diagnosis and eliminates the ... Ler mais