What Is Hybrid Servo CNC Press Brake? 2024 Comprehensive Guide

As the industrial and manufacturing sectors continue to grow, so do the demands and expectations of users and owners regarding their machinery and products. This trend is particularly evident in the sheet metal forging and manufacturing industries. CNC press brakes play a crucial role in this sector. To better understand the advantages of your hybrid servo CNC press brake system, it’s essential to be familiar with its key features.

What Is Hybrid Servo CNC Press Brake?

The hybrid servo CNC press brake machine operates as a pump-controlled bending system, where synchronization relies on precise pump control. The machine’s frame is highly stable, having been shaped in a single clamping process using an imported three-dimensional machining center, ensuring parallel and perpendicular mounting surfaces. The computer manages the flow and pressure of the Y1 and Y2 cylinders via two servo bi-directional pump systems. These pumps transfer oil from the upper chamber of the cylinder to the lower chamber to lift the upper die, and reverse the process to bend the sheet metal. Synchronization of the upper die’s left and right sides is controlled by separate sets of servo bi-directional pumps. This design provides high precision, energy efficiency, low noise, and enhanced stability and reliability. Additionally, it uses less oil, making it ideal for manufacturing large stroke, ultra-high speed bending machines.

What Is a Hybrid Servo Motor?

Hybrid servo motors (also called hybrid stepper motors) are motors that use the high pole count of a stepper motor but feature the closed-loop functionality of a servo motor.

When pushing a traditional stepper motor to the limits, it possible to miss a step. Adding an encoder to stepper motors improves accuracy and allows for stepper motors to be run at higher RPM’s. Higher RPM’s means more speed for your machine without the high cost of servo motors.

Characteristics of Servo Drive Tech

Servo drive technology is the core of Hybrid Servo CNC Press Brakes, which utilizes servo motors as the power source to achieve precise bending of plates by precisely controlling the speed and position of the motors. Servo motors are characterized by fast response speed, high positioning accuracy and stable operation, which enables Hybrid Servo Press Brakes to achieve efficient automated control during the processing.

The operating principle of the servo motor is based on the principles of electromagnetic induction and torque balance. By controlling the current and voltage of the motor, precise control of the motor can be realized. During the braking process, the servo drive technology can realize the precise control of the bending angle, speed and force of the plate, so as to ensure the processing quality and production efficiency.

Understanding the Servo Control System

Hybrid Servo Press Brakes are equipped with a sophisticated control system designed for real-time monitoring and precise management of equipment operations. This control system comprises both hardware and software components. The hardware includes sensors, actuators, and controllers, while the software handles data processing, analysis, and the execution of control logic.

The control system is crucial for optimizing the braking process and enhancing production efficiency. By continuously acquiring and analyzing various parameters during the plate bending process, the control system can precisely adjust the motor’s operating state and processing parameters to achieve optimal results. Additionally, the control system provides early warnings and diagnoses equipment failures, thereby improving the reliability and maintenance efficiency of the equipment.

Hybrid servo CNC press brake structure

Types of Hybrid Servo CNC Press Brake

Fixed-Table Hybrid Servo Press Brakes

In fixed-table hybrid servo press brakes, the table (die) remains stationary while the ram (punch) moves, with servo motors offering precise control over the ram’s movement. This design is particularly suitable for applications requiring high precision and repeatability, such as in the automotive and aerospace industries. The machine excels in delivering high accuracy and consistency in bending, making it ideal for high-volume production where consistent part specifications are crucial.

Adjustable-Table Hybrid Servo Press Brakes

Adjustable-table hybrid servo press brakes are designed with both a movable table and ram, enabling adjustments to both components. Servo motors precisely control the movement of the table and ram, making these machines versatile for various bending tasks and material thicknesses. This flexibility allows them to handle a wide range of materials and part sizes, making them suitable for diverse manufacturing environments and accommodating different bending requirements.

Servo-electric hybrid press brakes

Servo-electric hybrid press brakes combine electric servo motors with hydraulic systems to achieve both high precision and energy efficiency. These machines use electric motors to drive hydraulic components, making them ideal for industries where energy efficiency and precision are crucial, such as in the production of high-quality metal parts and components. They offer energy-efficient operation with reduced hydraulic oil consumption, high speed, and precision, along with low maintenance requirements.

Dual-Drive Hybrid Servo Press Brakes

Dual-drive hybrid servo press brakes utilize dual servo motors to enhance control and power distribution, allowing for precise and efficient bending of large and heavy materials. This configuration is ideal for heavy-duty applications and large-scale production where precise control and substantial power are essential. The machine offers increased bending capacity and power, along with enhanced control over large and complex bending tasks.

Modular Hybrid Servo Press Brakes

Modular hybrid servo press brakes feature a design that allows for customization and adaptability by enabling components to be added or removed based on specific production needs. This makes them suitable for manufacturers who require flexibility and customization in their press brake systems. The modular design supports easy upgrades and maintenance, and the system’s adaptability ensures it can meet changing production requirements effectively.

Hybrid Servo Press Brake Features

When a Hybrid Servo CNC Press Brake machine is in standby mode, it operates silently as the motor remains stationary. This quiet operation contrasts with the noise typically generated by traditional machines. In terms of energy efficiency, the hybrid system excels as it consumes virtually no energy during standby and fast modes. The oil consumption of hybrid servo machines is significantly lower, using only one-third of the oil compared to electric hydraulic synchronous machines. This results in a manageable oil temperature that generally remains stable, eliminating the need for hydraulic oil changes for up to three years.

The advanced servo motor technology enhances the machine’s performance by providing a response frequency that surpasses that of proportional valves, resulting in a bending cycle time that is 30% faster than that of traditional synchronous hydraulic CNC press brakes. The adoption of pump control technology, which replaces conventional valve control, eliminates throttling and overflow losses, leading to a 70% reduction in energy consumption.

Additionally, the servo motor’s capability to handle short-term overloads means that the installed power is only 50% of what would be required theoretically, while the reduction in oil tank volume by 75% significantly decreases hydraulic oil usage. The improved heat balance reduces the need for cooling devices, thereby extending the service life of hydraulic components.

The hybrid servo CNC press brake’s design contributes to a more efficient and quieter working environment. With a dramatically reduced noise level during idle, fast drop, pressure maintenance, and return phases, the working conditions are considerably improved. The servo motor’s rapid response enables quicker switching of pressure and flow, which is especially beneficial in emergency situations. Under specific conditions, the machine can achieve rapid descent and return speeds of up to 300 mm/s, and the working speed can reach between 20-25 mm/s. These enhancements in speed and responsiveness contribute to a more efficient production process, highlighting the hybrid servo CNC press brake’s advanced technological advantages.

servo motor of hybrid servo cnc press brake

How Does a Servo-Electric Press Brake Work?

Understanding the operation of a Servo-Electric Press Brake is crucial for maximizing its efficiency and maintaining it effectively. This knowledge allows you to fully harness the machine’s potential and ensure long-term performance. Let’s delve into how this advanced machinery functions.

1. Core Components and Mechanism

Press brake machines generally consist of two primary components that work together to achieve the desired bending effect: the die and the punch. In some models, the die is fixed while the punch moves, whereas in others, the punch is fixed, and the die moves. The working principle involves applying pressure to the material placed between these two components to achieve the desired shape.

2. Servo-Electric Operation

Unlike traditional hydraulic press brakes that use hydraulic pressure, the Servo-Electric Press Brake operates using electric power. In models like the Accurl Electro Servo Press Brake, two servo motors replace the hydraulic system. These motors generate the force needed to move the punch or die, depending on the machine configuration, to apply precise pressure on the material.

3. Pressure Distribution

To ensure accurate and even bending, the servo motors are connected to a system of pulleys. These pulleys help distribute the pressure uniformly across the length of the material. This mechanism is crucial for achieving consistent and precise bends throughout the entire workpiece.

4. CNC System Integration

Many Servo-Electric Press Brakes, come equipped with an integrated CNC (Computer Numerical Control) system. This system allows for precise control of the bending process. Users input the required adjustments and specifications into the CNC system, which then directs the machine and servo motors to execute the precise movements and operations needed.

5. Automation and Precision

The CNC system automates the bending process, eliminating the need for manual adjustments while delivering highly accurate results. Once the CNC system processes the input data, it communicates with the servo motors to apply the correct amount of energy and movement. This automation ensures that the material is bent precisely according to the specified requirements, enhancing both efficiency and accuracy.

In summary, the Servo-Electric Press Brake combines advanced electric motor technology with automated CNC controls to offer a high level of precision and efficiency in metalworking. Understanding these operational aspects helps in utilizing the machine effectively and maintaining its performance over time.

Why Hybrid Servo CNC Press Brake Is Better Than Traditional Brakes

High-Precision Control: Hybrid Servo Press Brakes offer exceptional precision in controlling braking force through the accurate manipulation of servo motors. This precise adjustment capability ensures that the braking force can be finely tuned to meet the specific requirements of various processes, resulting in high braking accuracy.

Fast Response: The servo control system in Hybrid Servo Press Brakes is characterized by its high dynamic response capabilities. This allows the press brakes to achieve the necessary braking force rapidly, significantly enhancing production efficiency by reducing response time.

Energy Saving and Environmental Protection: Compared to traditional hydraulic or pneumatic braking systems, Hybrid Servo Press Brakes are more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. They consume less energy and produce fewer emissions, leading to reduced production costs and a smaller environmental footprint.

High Reliability: Equipped with advanced sensors and control systems, Hybrid Servo Press Brakes continuously monitor braking conditions and diagnose faults in real time. This real-time monitoring improves equipment reliability and simplifies maintenance, ensuring consistent performance.

High Flexibility: The programmability of the servo control system in Hybrid Servo Press Brakes allows for easy adaptation to various production needs and process changes. This flexibility enhances the production line’s ability to handle different tasks and adjust to new requirements efficiently.

Why Use Hybrid Servo CNC Press Brake? – Advantages Analysis

The hybrid press brake system combines the best features of hydraulic and servo-electric press brake machines, effectively eliminating the shortcomings of each individual option. This innovative approach is the result of dedicated research aimed at enhancing the performance of both hydraulic and electric press brakes.

Researchers in the field sought to improve the existing designs of hydraulic and servo-electric systems separately. Eventually, they conceived the idea of merging these two technologies, creating a hybrid system that leverages the strengths of both while addressing their weaknesses. This resulted in a powerful and highly efficient press brake system that offers numerous advantages.

servo motor of hybrid servo cnc press brake
servo motor of hybrid servo cnc press brake

From a broad perspective, the most significant benefits introduced by the hybrid servo press brake system include:

  • Environmental friendliness
  • Significant energy savings
  • Enhanced operational efficiency
  • Full automation with no need for manual assistance
  • Excellent value for money

In the following sections, we will delve into features in detail.

Enhanced Precision and Stability

Hybrid Servo Press Brakes leverage servo drive technology to achieve exceptional precision in bending plates by accurately controlling the motor’s speed and position. This technology ensures that Hybrid Servo Press Brakes deliver high precision and stability during operation, meeting the demands of various complex working conditions. Whether performing high-speed or high-precision machining, these press brakes excel, ensuring superior product quality and machining efficiency.

Furthermore, Hybrid Servo Press Brakes are equipped with an advanced control system that monitors the equipment’s operating status in real time and provides precise control. This system optimizes the adjustment of various parameters throughout the plate bending process. As a result, Hybrid Servo Press Brakes can maintain consistent and stable processing results when working with different materials and plate thicknesses, thereby enhancing the reliability and consistency of production.

Energy Efficiency and Environmental Benefits

The Hybrid Servo Press Brakes uses a hybrid power system that combines traditional mechanical drive and servo drive technology to achieve increased energy efficiency and reduced energy consumption. Compared to traditional plate processing machines, the Hybrid Servo Press Brakes are able to utilize energy more efficiently during processing and reduce energy waste. Its servo drive technology and hybrid system reduces mechanical friction and loss in the energy conversion process, lowering noise and exhaust emissions, and having a smaller impact on the environment. With the growing awareness of environmental protection, the environmental advantages of Hybrid Servo Press Brakes will be more prominent.

Reduced Maintenance Costs

Hybrid Servo Press Brakes are designed with an optimized and streamlined structure, which simplifies maintenance and makes it more convenient. The servo motors and hybrid systems used in these press brakes are built for durability and reliability, resulting in a long service life and lower failure rates. This reduces the need for frequent maintenance and part replacements.

Additionally, the advanced control system of Hybrid Servo Press Brakes includes intelligent warning and fault diagnosis features. These capabilities allow for the early detection and resolution of potential issues, minimizing both maintenance and downtime. The modular design further enhances maintenance efficiency, as individual components can be easily removed and replaced without requiring extensive disassembly of the entire machine. This approach not only speeds up maintenance processes but also helps lower overall maintenance costs.

hybrid servo cnc press brake energy saving

Predictive Maintenance and Remote Monitoring

Another great advantage of servo press brakes is their ability to predict maintenance needs and monitor them remotely. By using integrated sensors and diagnostic systems, these machines constantly keep an eye on their performance and can identify potential issues before they become serious problems that lead to costly downtime. With real time data, maintenance schedules can be optimized, ensuring that crucial components receive proactive servicing to prevent unexpected breakdowns. Moreover, the remote monitoring capabilities allow technicians to access machine status and troubleshooting information from a distance, enabling quick response times and minimizing disruptions in production.

Application Areas of Hybrid Servo CNC Press Brakes

1. Automotive Industry

Hybrid servo CNC press brakes are widely used in the automotive industry for fabricating components such as chassis parts, brackets, and panels. Their high precision and efficiency ensure that automotive parts meet stringent quality standards and are produced at high volumes.

2. Aerospace Industry

In the aerospace sector, these press brakes are employed to manufacture complex and high-tolerance components for aircraft structures. The precision and stability of hybrid servo CNC press brakes are crucial for producing parts that adhere to rigorous safety and performance specifications.

3. Metal Fabrication and Sheet Metal Work

Hybrid servo CNC press brakes are essential in general metal fabrication and sheet metal work. They are used for bending various metal sheets into desired shapes and sizes, making them ideal for producing custom parts and products in manufacturing and construction.

4. HVAC Industry

In the HVAC industry, hybrid servo CNC press brakes are used to create ductwork, fittings, and other components from sheet metal. Their ability to handle different materials and thicknesses with high precision helps ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of HVAC systems.

5. Electronics and Electrical Equipment

These press brakes are utilized in the electronics and electrical equipment industry to fabricate enclosures, panels, and housings. The accuracy of hybrid servo CNC press brakes ensures that components fit correctly and function properly in electronic devices.

6. Architectural and Structural Applications

In architecture and structural engineering, hybrid servo CNC press brakes are employed to create metal components for buildings and infrastructure. Their precision and flexibility allow for the production of custom metal parts that enhance both the aesthetic and structural aspects of architectural designs.

7. Agricultural Machinery

Hybrid servo CNC press brakes are also used in the agricultural machinery sector to manufacture parts such as frames, brackets, and panels for various types of farm equipment. The reliability and efficiency of these press brakes support the production of durable and high-performance machinery.

8. Renewable Energy

In the renewable energy sector, hybrid servo CNC press brakes play a role in producing components for wind turbines, solar panels, and other green technologies. Their precision and efficiency contribute to the reliable performance of renewable energy systems.

Hybrid servo cnc press brake
Hybrid servo cnc press brake China Krrass

How Hybrid Press Brake Influencing Manufacturing Cost

From a cost and benefit perspective, servo press brakes significantly reduce manufacturing costs and increase production benefits.

Firstly, in terms of energy costs, studies show that servo press brakes are up to 50% more energy-efficient than traditional hydraulic press brakes, potentially saving thousands of dollars annually. For instance, a servo press brake operating for 2,000 hours a year can save approximately $3,000 in electricity costs.

Secondly, maintenance costs are significantly lower. With less mechanical wear and tear, annual maintenance expenses can be reduced by 20% to 30%. Assuming the annual maintenance cost for a hydraulic press brake is $5,000, switching to a servo press brake can save $1,000 to $1,500 per year. Additionally, the high precision of servo press brakes reduces material waste by 10% to 20%. If the annual material cost is $50,000, this equates to $5,000 to $10,000 in material savings annually.

Overall, the savings in energy, maintenance, and material costs with a servo press brake can total approximately $9,000 to $13,500 per year. This not only reduces expenses but also enhances production efficiency and product quality, resulting in higher profitability and competitiveness.


Hybrid servo CNC press brakes are a game-changer for manufacturers aiming to optimize their bending processes. Combining the best of both servo-electric and hydraulic technologies, these machines offer enhanced control and flexibility, delivering precise bending while reducing the risk of tooling damage and ensuring accurate bends. The quick programming and setup capabilities allow for faster setup times and the efficient handling of a wide range of materials.

By improving the quality of the finished product and boosting productivity, hybrid servo CNC press brakes prove to be a valuable asset for manufacturers seeking to enhance efficiency and cut costs. Their advanced technology enables manufacturers to streamline operations and maintain a competitive edge in the market.

Investing in hybrid servo CNC press brakes can lead to significant improvements in productivity, accuracy, and overall cost savings. As manufacturers prioritize efficiency and quality, these machines are becoming essential tools in the industry. Embracing this technology will not only refine the bending process but also contribute to the overall success of manufacturing operations. For top-tier performance and reliability, consider Krrass’s range of hybrid servo CNC press brakes, designed to meet the highest standards of precision and efficiency.

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